4 Pilates Facts for Beginners that you should know

Pilates is a method of exercise that can have amazing benefits for your body, but a lot of people don’t know much about it. However if you join in Pilates Northern Beaches class you will know more than this 4 facts. Here’s a quick guide to Pilates, from the history behind it to the basics of what you need to get started.

Pilates: The History

The exercises created by Joseph Pilates were originally used in hospitals as rehabilitation exercises. He believed that physical and mental health were linked and needed to be in balance with each other, so he developed his exercises to not only be good for the body, but also something that would help you relax.

The Benefits of Pilates

There are many advantages to doing Pilates. First and foremost, the exercises improve your core strength and balance. You’ll sculpt your body without adding bulk. It is not uncommon for people who practice Pilates regularly to see an improvement in their posture as well as reduction in their back pain. It’s also a way to relax because it puts you in tune with your breathing, which can help reduce stress levels.

What Do I Need?

The best part about Pilates is that all you really need are comfortable clothes and a mat or carpeted area where you can lie down.

Pilates is a great way to build strength and flexibility in the body. Here are some basic facts about the practice that you should know if you’re new to it.

  1. Pilates helps develop core strength.
  2. Pilates is low-impact and accessible for beginners.
  3. Pilates can be a great complement to other forms of exercise.
  4. Pilates can be modified for people with injuries and other unique needs, so you don’t have to worry about hurting yourself!

Many people find it difficult to start a new exercise routine, especially when they’re not sure of how it works. If you are thinking about adding Pilates to your workout regimen, here are some Pilates facts for beginners that will help you understand what it’s all about, and why it would be an excellent addition to your fitness routine.

Pilates is a low-impact workout

For those who have injuries or chronic pain, Pilates is often the perfect solution. Most of the movements in Pilates are done with control and precision, and work to strengthen the deep core muscles. This means that there is less chance of re-injuring yourself than if you were working out at a fast pace on a treadmill or doing high-impact aerobics.

It can be done by anyone

Unlike most forms of exercise, which require certain levels of strength and stamina before starting, Pilates is pretty much accessible to anyone. The movements can be modified easily depending on your level of fitness and ability. For example, if you are unable to do a pushup due to shoulder problems, you can work on doing the same movement while lying down on your back with your knees bent.