Q&A Women’s Health With Dr. Mirabile

The transitional years in a woman’s life, from those of normal hormonal function to  those of lower than normal function, are probably the most difficult time experienced. So many misconceptions exist with regards to the years we call the peri-menopause and menopause and so many women feel helpless with no where to turn for advice.

New “Ask a Question” Help Column
I feel compelled to open an “ASK A QUESTION” HELP COLUMN in KC HEALTH & WELLNESS in order to help answer our readers concerns. Each month, I will present the top questions we receive through email at docj@jmirabilemd.com. Feel free to ask your questions or even lend some experienced advice to others through this venue. This month, I will present some common Q&A’s from our patients at FOR WOMEN ONLY and open the column to the public in ensuing issues.

Anxious, Irritable and Gaining Weight?
Q: I am 40 years old, married, two children, and work a full time job. Since the birth of my last baby 6 years ago, I have experienced a downward spiral of symptoms. I am forgetful, restless, irritable, and struggle with sleep. I’m anxious at work and others around me are always asking if I’m ok. I’ve gained 12 pounds over the past 3 years and it is all settling around my waistline. My physician thinks I am depressed and wanted to place me on an anti-depressant. I don’t want to do that because I understand they are associated with more weight gain and decreased sex drive which is already creating tension between my husband and me. Why is this happening and what can I do?

A: All of your symptoms are so common and this is what we hear on a daily basis. YOU ARE NOT ALONE! This is peri-menopause, probably more devastating than any other time in your life! Many women experience most if not all of your complaints. THERE IS A SOLUTION! Before beginning an anti-depressant or anti-anxiety medication, realize you are in an “estrogen dominant” time where simply balancing this with a natural progesterone supplement may relieve most if not all of your symptoms. We can also add natural testosterone to help with your libido and muscle tone and I feel within a few short weeks you will be feeling better than you have in years!

More Frequent and Heavier Periods?
Q: I am 43 years old and my periods are becoming more frequent and heavier than ever before. I’ve had my tubes tied and really don’t want to go back on the pill at my age. My physician said I need a hysterectomy but I cannot afford the downtime. Are there any other options?

A: There is an option that is safe, effective, and can be performed in the office in 90 seconds or less that can both help reduce your symptoms dramatically and in 80% of our patients, stop your periods completely! The NovaSure® Uterine Ablation is a great, no downtime procedure for women which can eliminate the problem that so many experience during the transitional years of normal hormone to low hormone levels.

Preventive Tests To Reduce Risks?
Q: What tests should I have done now at 45 years of age to be preventative in reducing my risks as I get older?

A: The peri-menopausal and menopausal woman should be screened annually for breast cancer with mammography and monthly breast self exams. A pelvic exam and pap smear yearly to evaluate the ovaries and cervix are essential, however after 3 normal pap smears, you can reduce to every 3 years till age 65 and stop them altogether thereafter. THIS DOES NOT MEAN YOU DONT NEED A YEARLY PELVIC EXAM! If you still have ovaries, it is essential to monitor them yearly to detect any changes that may be associated with ovarian cancer. I would recommend a thyroid blood test, Vitamin D level, and fasting cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, and LDL along with a fasting sugar level.